Hong Kong Squre-stepping exercise
The square-stepping exercise is a fall prevention exercise patented by Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service which is developed by three Japanese professors. It adopts the concept of stair exercises and dancing games and takes walking as a basis to train balancing skills. The Square-stepping exercise has over 200 stepping moves. We have invited Dr. Shigematsu, one of the developers and an assistant professor in Mie University to design the training programs. Nowadays, it is popular in Japan, Taiwan, Brazil and Hong Kong as it is suitable for people with different ages and needs.
Studies show that Square-stepping exercise can help improving the elderly’s memorization, balancing skill, cognitive ability and controlling emotions as well as the elderly with dementia. The exercise can help preventing fall injuries by memorizing different stepping moves in order to train the leg muscles, enhance balancing skill and coordination.
Please click into "Hong Kong Square Stepping Exercise Facebook Page"

• Exercise the lower limbs and enhance its capacity
• Maintain independent activities
• Fall prevention
• Delayed cognitive decline
• Strengthen short-term and long-term memory
• Enhance the quality of social life
Target participants
Interested parties and service providers are welcome.
Course Enquiries and Registration
Please contact the below units, or email to aa3.elderly@bokss.org.hk.
Lai Yiu Neighbourhood Elderly Centre (Kwai Chung) 2744 9308
Lai Yiu Neighbourhood Elderly Centre (Cho Yiu Club House) 2743 5626
Tsing Yi Neighbourhood Elderly Centre 2433 6414
Chan Tak Sang Memorial Neighbourhood Elderly Centre (Mongkok) 2390 6574
Tai Po Baptist Church Au Cheung Sau Fong Neighbourhood Elderly Centre 2666 0761
Jordan Elderly Centre 2377 3230